Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST Collection [MP3/FLAC]

『鋼の錬金術師』(Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OST – All OP&ED + Original Soundtrack

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP1-5 & ED1-5


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Opening Theme 1 – again
Artist: YUI
June 03, 2009
01. again
02. Sea
03. SUMMER SONG ~YUI Acoustic Version~
04. again [instrumental]
24MB | 108MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Ending Theme 1 – Uso
Artist: SID
May 27, 2009
01. 嘘
02. 日傘
03. 誘感コレクション (Live at 日本武道館 2008.11.2.)
17MB | 84MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Opening Theme 2 – Hologram
Artist: NICO Touches the Walls
August 12, 2009
01. ホログラム
02. 風人
03. あいたいきもち
04. ホログラム (TV Size)
05. ホログラム [instrumental]
30MB | 136MB
MP3: GDrive
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Ending Theme 2 – Let It Out
Artist: Miho Fukuhara
September 09, 2009
ED Version-
03. LET IT OUT [instrumental]
16MB | 75MB
MP3: GDrive
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP3 – Golden Time Lover
Artist: SukimaSwitch
October 14, 2009
01. ゴールデンタイムラバー
02. ためいき
03. Bアングル
04. ゴールデンタイムラバー [instrumental]
27MB | 121MB
MP3: GDrive
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Ending Theme 3 – Tsunaida Te
Artist: Lil’B
November 11, 2009 
01. つないだ手
02. ラストレター
03. KISS -one more kiss mix-
04. つないだ手 (TV Size)
05. つないだ手 [instrumental]
31MB | 141MB
MP3: GDrive
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Opening Theme 4 – Period
January 27, 2010
01. Period
02. Brandnew Season ~夢の乗車券~
03. Period [instrumental]
04. Brandnew Season ~夢の乗車券~ [instrumental]
26MB | 123MB
MP3: GDrive
FLAC: GDrive

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Ending Theme 4 – Shunkan Sentimental
February 03, 2010
01. 間センチメンタル
02. 星の降る夜に
03. 夢見る頃を過ぎても
04. 瞬間センチメンタル -「鋼の錬金術師FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST」
ED Version-
05. 間センチメンタル [instrumental]
27MB | 133MB
MP3: GDrive
FLAC: GDrive

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Opening Theme 5 – Rain
Artist: SID
June 02, 2010
01. レイン
02. cut
03. chapter 1 (Live from 「いちばん好きな場所2010」)
20MB | 94MB
MP3: GDrive
FLAC: GDrive

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Ending Theme 5 – RAY OF LIGHT
Artist: Shoko Nakagawa
April 28, 2010
02. diamond high
03. calling location [Live Version]
04. RAY OF LIGHT [instrumental]
33MB | 134MB
MP3: GDrive
FLAC: GDrive

Theme of Alphonse Elric by THE ALCHEMISTS

Seiyuu/ArtistsAlphonse (Rie Kugimiya) & Edward (Romi Park),
Release DateOctober 14, 2009
Tracklist01. 風に抱かれて
02. Restore steppin’
03. 風に抱かれて [instrumental]
04. Restore steppin’ [instrumental]
MP3/FLAC Size23MB | 102MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 1

ComposerAkira Senju, YUI, Yuya, Tatsuya Mitsumura,
Miho Fukuhara, Hiroo Yamaguchi
Release DateOctober 14, 2009
TracklistFullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 1
01. Main Theme ~The Fullmetal Alchemist~
02. Laws of Alchemy
03. again (TV Size)
04. Nightfall in Central City
05. Fire in the Sky
06. Clash of the Alchemists
07. Lurking
08. Mist
09. Spiral of Truth
10. Mortal Sin
11. One is All, All is One
12. Requiem for the Brigadier General
13. 嘘 (TV Size)
14. Lullaby of Resembool
15. Interlude
16. ホログラム (TV Size)
17. Far East Suite
18. Beneath the City
19. Fifth Laboratory
20. Fanfare for the Brave
21. Trisha’s Lullaby
22. Concerto ~Brotherhood~
23. Hum of the Streets
24. Beyond the Walls
25. Next Chapter
26. Home ~en route to Resembool~
27. Lapis Philosophorum
28. Happiness ~Requiem from ”The Blind Alchemist”~
29. Home ~a house on the hill~
30. Overture ~Brotherhood~
31. LET IT OUT (TV Size)
MP3/FLAC Size94MB | 325MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 2

ComposerAkira Senju, Takuya Ohashi, Shintaro Tokita, Yuki Kuromitsu,
Jonas Myrin, Peter Kvint, Kotaro Egami, Yuichi Tajika
Release DateMarch 24, 2010
TracklistFullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 2
01. ゴールデンタイムラバー (TV Size)
02. Mount Briggs ~Overture~
03. Pride
04. Envy Revealed
05. The Plot Thickens
06. Xing Symphony ~Overture~
07. Anticipation
08. Nightmares
09. Desolation
10. The Fullmetal Alchemist ~Legato~
11. Nocturne of Amestris ~Duet~
12. Daylight in Amestris
13. Nocturne of Amestris
14. つないだ手 (TV Size)
15. T.B.C.
16. Entr’acte
17. Period (TV size)
18. No Answer
19. Crisis in the North
20. The Land of Ishvala
21. Lapis Philosophorum ~Piano Solo~
22. Mount Briggs ~Undulation~
23. What Lies Beneath
24. Versus Homonculus
25. Battle Scherzo
26. Far East Suite ~Pizzicato~
27. Pastorale Rondo
28. Stepping Along
29. 瞬間センチメンタル(TV Size)
30. To Be King
31. Brotherhood ~Postlude~
MP3/FLAC Size73MB | 253MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 3

ComposerAkira Senju, Yuya, Kentaro Suzuki, Atsushi Kimura
Release DateJuly 07, 2010
TracklistFullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Original Soundtrack 3
01. レイン(TV Size)
02. Knives and Shadows
03. March of the Moving Dolls
04. Crime and Punishment
05. Ante Meridiem
06. Consonance
07. The Intrepid
08. Tribute to W.C. I
09. The Forbearer
10. Envy Revealed ~Adagio~
11. Laws of Alchemy ~Instrumental~
12. Heroic Bolero
13. A Soldier’s Honor
14. Amestris Military March
15. Tribute to W.C. II
16. The Pendulum
17. The Day the Sun Disappeared
18. Dissident’s Creed
19. In the Fray
20. Lapis Philosophorum ~Chant~
21. Violoncello’s Lament
22. Sorrowful Stone
23. Main Theme ~The Alchemist~
24. The Awakening
25. Philosophorum Omega
26. Nightfall in Central City ~Fin~
27. Epilogue ~A New Journey~
28. Main Theme ~Homage to Alchemy~
29. Trisha’s Lullaby ~A Reminiscence~
30. RAY OF LIGHT (TV Size)
31. Resembool’s Lullaby
MP3/FLAC Size94MB | 345MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist Movie The Sacred Star Of Milos Original Soundtrack [MP3]

Hagane no Renkinjutsushi Milos no Seinaru Hoshi OST

ComposerTaro Iwashiro
Release DateJune 29, 2011
Tracklist01. Kenzan ~Introduction~
02. Michi Naki Michi No Hate
03. Manekazaru Teki
04. Kokou No Renkinjutsushi
05. Hishou Kyuushuu Sakusen
06. Ashley No Danshou
07. Kuro Koumori Sentai
08. Youkou Sanka
09. Shirarezaru Yami No Shi
10. Nageki No Oka No Kiseki
11. Hoshi No Rensei
12. Julia No Shin-On
13. Gekitou Sangeki
14. Omoi To Tomo Ni
15. Tamashii No Kachidoki
16. J ni Sasageru Aria
17. Hakanaki Inochi No Koe
18. Inishie No Miyako ~Outroduction~
MP3 Size142MB
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Hagane no Renkinjutsushi Fullmetal Alchemist Final Best

ArtistYUI, SID, NICO Touches the Walls, Miho Fukuhara,
Sukima Switch, Lil’B, CHEMISTRY, SCANDAL, Shoko Nakagawa
Release DateJuly 28, 2010
Tracklist01. 第1期OP 「again」
02. 第1期ED 「嘘」
03. 第2期OP 「ホログラム」
04. 第2期ED 「LET IT OUT」
05. 第3期OP 「ゴールデンタイムラバー」
06. 第3期ED 「つないだ手」
07. 第4期OP 「Period」
08. 第4期ED 「瞬間センチメンタル」
09. 第5期OP 「レイン」
10. 第5期ED 「RAY OF LIGHT」
11. Wiiゲームテーマソング 「ドラマ」
MP3/FLAC Size73MB | 340MB
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Fullmetal Alchemist THE BEST


Artists: Porno Graffitti, Nana Kitade, L’Arc~en~Ciel, YeLLOW Generation, COOL JOKE, Crystal Kay, ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION, Sowelu, YUI, SID, NICO Touches the Walls, Miho Fukuhara, SukimaSwitch, Lil’B, CHEMISTRY, SCANDAL, Shoko Nakagawa, miwa

Release DateFebruary 29, 2012
TracklistDisc 1
01 Melissa
02 Kessenai Tsumi
04 Tobira no Mukou e
06 Motherland
07 Rewrite
08 I Will
09 Kanashimi no Kizu
10 Link
10 Link
Disc 2
01 again
02 Uso
03 Hologram
05 Golden Time Lover
06 Tsunaida Te
07 Period
08 Shunkan Sentimental
09 Rain
11 Drama
12 Chasing hearts
MP3/FLAC Size249MB | 803MB
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