TYPE-MOON Fes. -10th Anniversary Blu-ray Disc Box- Live Tracks (2013) [MP3 320K]

TYPE-MOON Fes. -10th Anniversary Blu-ray Disc Box- Live Tracks

TYPE-MOON Fes. -10th Anniversary Blu-ray Disc Box- Live Tracks

ARTIST: Eir Aoi, Kalafina, LiSA, Luna Haruna, LR harmony
Composer: Hideyuki Fukasawa, Yuki Kajiura, Masatomo Ota, NUMBER 201, Wataru Maeguchi, Noriyasu Agematsu, Sho Watanabe, Fumio Yasuda, KATE, ryo, Shinya Saito, Yuki Nara, Kanon Wakeshima, DJ SHIMAMURA
Release Date: January 16, 2013

Disc 1 [TYPE-MOON Fes. 1st Day]

01. the beginning of the end
02. the battle is to the strong
03. すーぱー☆あふぇくしょん
04. From new world
05. THIS ILLUSION -10th moon harmony-
06. mind as Judgment
07. oblivious
08. 君が光に変えて行く
09. 傷跡
10. ARIA
11. oath sign
13. 空は高く風は歌う
14. 満天
15. to the beginning
16. 魔法使いの夜~メインテーマ
17. Five
18. Fellows
Disc 2 [TYPE-MOON Fes. 2nd Day]
01. the beginning of the end
02. the battle is to the strong
03. すーぱー☆あふぇくしょん
04. From new world
05. THIS ILLUSION -10th moon harmony-
06. mind as Judgment
07. fairytale
08. seventh heaven
09. snow falling
10. sprinter
11. oath sign
13. 空は高く風は歌う
14. 満天
15. to the beginning
16. 魔法使いの夜~メインテーマ
17. Five
18. Fellows
Disc 3
01. WINGS ~TYPE-MOON Fes. Opening Theme~

MP3 Size: 407MB [320K]
Download MP3: Google Drive | MEGA

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