Prima Doll OP Theme – Tin Toy Melody/Chat-noir [MP3/Hi-Res]

『プリマドール OPテーマ – Tin Toy Melody/シャノワール』

Prima Doll OP Theme – Tin Toy Melody/Chat-noir

Prima Doll OP Theme – Tin Tоy Melody by Chat-noir

chat noir
Haizakura (CV: Azumi Waki),
Karasuba (CV: Tomori Kusunoki),
Gekka (CV: Miyu Tomita),
Houkiboshi (CV: Yuki Nakashima),
Retzel (CV: Akari Kito)
Release Date: July 06, 2022

01. Tin Toy Melоdy
02. 機械仕掛けの賛歌
03. Tin Toy Melоdy (Instrumental)
04. 機械仕掛けの賛歌 (Instrumental)

MP3/FLAC Size: 37MB [320K] | 209MB [Hi-Res 24Bit/48kHz]
Download MP3: GDrive | Icedrive
Download FLAC: GDrive | Icedrive

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Amazon | animate | CDJapan | HMV | iTunes | TSUTAYA | yesasia

How to Download
For music files updated after June 2023, we switched to Terabox because it was free. and get 1000gb of file storage.

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We don't upload music files as often as before, so we switched to a new file storage website to save on high monthly expenses. Thank you! 🧡

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