Shironeko Project: ~Midsummer Rocking Girls~ Summer Tension! by Peak Vibes

Shironeko Project: Summer Tension! ~Midsummer Rocking Girls~ Summer Tension!

Peak Vibes = Aisha (CV: Marina Inoue), Villeta (CV: Lynn), Nocturika (CV: Suzuko Mimori), Ariashka (CV: Ayaka Ohashi), Therese (CV: Juri Kimura)
Release Date
August 22, 2022
01. Summer Tеnsion!
02. Summеr Tension! (Aisha Ver.)
03. Summer Tеnsion! (Villeta Ver.)
04. Summеr Tension! (Nocturika Ver.)
05. Summer Tеnsion! (Ariashka Ver.)
06. Summеr Tension! (Therese Ver.)
07. Summer Tеnsion! (Instrumental Ver.)
08. Summеr Tension! (LIVE Edition)
MP3 Size | FLAC Size
71MB | 224MB
Download MP3: 320kbps
GDrive | Link2
Download FLAC: 16Bit/44.1kHz
GDrive | Link2
Buy Original to Support the Artists
Amazon | animate | CDJapan | HMV | iTunes | TSUTAYA | yesasia

How to Download
For music files updated after June 2023, we switched to Terabox because it was free. and get 1000gb of file storage.

Before downloading the files, Please sign up using your Gmail or Facebook, then download the Terabox app on your computer or mobile phone, these steps take about 2-3 minutes, they're all free, and you can finish downloading every file.

We don't upload music files as often as before, so we switched to a new file storage website to save on high monthly expenses. Thank you! 🧡

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